A chilling true story of a family who experienced years of paranormal activity in their once peaceful home. What started as an ordinary move to be closer to school and friends soon became a series of eerie and unexplained events
The Story
We had been living in this nice house for 4 years. My neighbors were my besties, twins at the time. I convinced my parents to move there in ’97 to be closer; it was by my school too. We had a big yard and a canal there. This is the La Vista Park area.
The first haunting began when my cousins came to sleepover. One night, we all passed out and my cousin saw the hallway light on and heard the faucet around 2 am. He thought it was my dad because my dad would pass out on the couch sometimes, but he was in the bedroom with my mom, snoring away. My cousin decided to glance and attempt to walk down the long hall and saw the lights flickering on and off and the faucet running! No one was in there. Everyone was asleep. We woke up the next day and he never wanted to sleep there again, nor did his brother, who were like my brothers. We were confused, but I assumed he was just making it up. Believe me, he is not a scaredy-cat and is really blunt about things to this day.
Fast forward, I’m coming home from school to jump on the computer to get on AOL—I’m old school. We had this long tall light that shapes like a UFO on the top of the lamp. You turn the switch and hear a click for on and off. I’m chatting, and all of a sudden, I hear a click, but the light was on. I was home alone a lot during my high school days. Boom, my computer turns off to start over again. Then suddenly, as I’m waiting, click! I look back; the light is off. I paused, then I run all the way to my room, because this wasn’t the first or last time it happened. The computer would occasionally restart, and the light would do that. It was annoying and frustrating.
Another short incident: I would be listening to Midnight Magic while talking to friends on the phone, and my old school radio boombox had a turning knob with subs, so it’s loud full of bass, and would get super loud if it’s turned up high. So there I am, and randomly from volume 4, it would skyrocket to 14. This is not only late at night, but this ghost or entity would bust me staying up late on the phone on a school night, lol! I ran out of my room; I slept with my mom. Mind you, I wasn’t a kid either. Days go on; it would happen often. Times also I heard my name being called; I would go to the living room and ask, and no one was calling my name? That was weird. I was always spooked.
The front door would keep opening at 3 am several random nights. We would bolt the door, but it would still be open. It was strange. My loving pet beagle Toby and a random beagle dog we sheltered were also in our backyard one night, and the gate that was locked mysteriously opened while chained and bolted. One day it just appeared opened the following day. We were devastated; we thought someone was stealing our dogs. Or was it the entity or the house? The grass could never grow in the back, no matter how many times we tried to fix it. We had poltergeist activity with our front door, lights, computer screen, backyard, garage noises in the attic, voices, and my radio.
The last two incidents were the scariest of all! It could be a normal night, but when you hear your voice being called and know it’s not your parents, you run out! Well, that happened to me, to the point where I froze in the hallway; that’s how scared I was and couldn’t move for a few seconds. I was so scared to turn around. Because my radio also jumped so high in volume again, and I didn’t even touch it.
Lastly, this happened to my dad, who was a skeptic like my cousin. He was home alone during the day like any other day, and he heard a loud crack. As he turned to see what it was, the wooden bar connected to the ceiling and bolted on the bar was ripped off and shot over to the glass table—a distance! Gravity would push it down, not fly over to the table afar and land on it! My dad freaked out. He told my mom and showed us what we saw, like a dagger cut or vampire slayer pointed wooden stick that was actually round before the force. Whatever it was, it was making its presence known.
My mother confessed to us that the door would always be open at 3 am. She also said she saw a male apparition in her bedroom. She thought it was my dad, but he was in deep sleep by her. The big window in their bedroom had the streetlight coming through it, so she could see a figure or shape of a male—or at this point, a ghost! She was scared, frozen. She played asleep and waited until this entity would disappear, and after a while, it did. That was the last straw for all of us. Then things started to go downhill for us. We eventually left that house. It was nice and scary and exciting all at once! Surprisingly, we found out an old man owned the house before us died there. In my room. It makes sense now, but we felt a darker presence there too. The hauntings were stagnant for years, and then began the poltergeist. Straight out of a paranormal activity before we knew what that was like nowadays. We loved it. I’m telling it. My whole family and I still talk about our stories and such. We will never forget the hauntings at the house at 112.” -Chelsea Bella
Where in McAllen is this 112?
Do you know if the place is still there?