On a quiet, fog-covered road in the outskirts of Mission, Texas, a late-night drive turns into a...
Audrey, a lifelong resident of El Paso’s Lower Valley, has experienced the paranormal from a young age....
During a road trip to Kerrville, an anonymous traveler experienced something they still can’t explain. After a...
After a performance in the Rio Grande Valley, the black metal band Infernal Rot decided to explore...
A chilling true story of a family who experienced years of paranormal activity in their once peaceful...
This is a spine-chilling story of a little girl who witnessed something unforgettable in her neighbor’s home....
We received a message from a man named Vinnie in McAllen, TX. He claims to have recorded...
“Good afternoon, I had liked one of your videos on TikTok and decided to share one of...
“I grew up in Elsa, TX. I was around 7 or 8 at the time this occurred....