We stumbled upon a tragic story originating from the South Texas border town, Pharr. According to local legend, a family met their demise in 1963 at the hands of a house fire. Check out an investigation by some local paranormal investigators.
“There’s a dirt road that leads to a corn field and around the corn field there used to be a ranch that had two barns and a small house. There’s proven evidence that the family had died in the burning of Pharr in 1963.
They say to this day you can hear the family talking and running through the trees screaming help. They also say that they throw rocks and sticks at the people that walk and drive by. And the addition of the father searching for his cattle dressed in black with an axe.”
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I lived in an old white framed house at the end of Whalen rd. 60s 70s and 80s. It did not burn down in 1963. There was an old house a few hundred yards away that could possibly be where the story originates, but it was right before the end of Whalen road and just across a canal.
I from that area and my friend actually live on whalen road. I always knew that place was haunted or that area know as the mudpits because i personally me and my friend heard very clearly two women talking out of nowhere it sounded so paranormal and we just took off scared that was like 5 years ago and recently there near on tgomas and mcoll road i heard some one whispered inside my car while moving and i remember once we heard a lady screaming i thought some one was in danger so we fired some warning shots to scare them away it was until now i found out about the legend when me already had experience paranomal stuff on the out doors and my friends ramch on whalen road that area of the legend.