The events of this story took place in the fall of 2007, on Country Estates Drive in Tyler, Texas, within the Holiday Farms addition. What began as a typical evening in a quiet neighborhood soon spiraled into something far more chilling and unexplainable.
The Story
“I noticed my neighbor and his son shooting a pellet gun into a tree near the fence line that separated our yards. Curiosity got the better of me, so I hopped the fence to see what was going on. As soon as I stepped into their yard, I saw something strange perched high in the treetop on my side of the fence was a being with glowing red eyes, watching us.
Something was off about the whole scene. My neighbors were acting strange, speaking to me in broken English, as if struggling to find the right words. “It’s a wish… or a witch,” one of them muttered nervously, “and somebody wants to hurt you.”
I felt uneasy but defensive. I quickly returned to my own yard, unsettled by the eerie encounter. As I got closer to my house, I heard strange noises coming from inside, where a friend of mine had been helping me earlier that day. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong, but something was definitely not right.
Feeling paranoid and needing to clear my head, I climbed up onto my roof. From there, I had a view of the surrounding woods. As I sat in the cool night air, I saw something no, someone emerge from the shadows of the trees. It moved slowly at first, walking cautiously, but when it noticed me watching from the rooftop, it turned and fled back into the woods.
At the time, I thought maybe someone was playing tricks on me. Perhaps someone in a gilly suit, or someone who knew how to climb trees and had long hair that could match the silhouette I saw. But later, after watching The Mothman Prophecies, I started to wonder if what I had seen that day had been something else entirely.
My neighbor, before he vanished later told me, in his fractured English, that what we saw wasn’t a person at all. It was a creature, a being, that had flown in like a bird and landed in the treetop. He never spoke about it again, and one day, he simply left. I haven’t seen him since, though his family still lives next door. But I’ll never forget the terror in his eyes when he looked at that thing. It was a fear that chilled me to the bone.”-Lori B