On a quiet, fog-covered road in the outskirts of Mission, Texas, a late-night drive turns into a...
The events of this story took place in the fall of 2007, on Country Estates Drive in...
During a road trip to Kerrville, an anonymous traveler experienced something they still can’t explain. After a...
If you’re from deep South Texas, you’ve probably heard of lechuzas. In the spiritual and paranormal world,...
Duendes are creatures from the folklore of many Latin American countries, including Mexico, and parts of the...
“I’m originally from Indiana but I met and married my Hispanic husband, and we moved down here...
“Back in the years 1998 through 2011 my friends, Willy, Andres, and my cousin Hugo and I...
“This was 1997/1998. A friend and I were walking around at night around 11 pm and heard...
“My nephew, his girlfriend, my youngest sister, my wife, and I think maybe there was one other...