The events of this story took place in the fall of 2007, on Country Estates Drive in...
flying humanoid
If you’re from deep South Texas, you’ve probably heard of lechuzas. In the spiritual and paranormal world,...
“This was 1997/1998. A friend and I were walking around at night around 11 pm and heard...
“Back in 1996, I used to work at Whataburger in a town called Friendswood, TX and my...
“A couple of months back, me and one of my older cousins were standing outside of my...
I’ll never forget this experience. It was a summer evening. I was riding around Mercedes when I...
“This incident took place back in 2014. I’m a married man and by destiny, I live a...
“When I was a little girl, I was visiting my grandparents in Forest Hill, Texas – just...
“I kid you not… I saw something like this on Alton Gloor when I was 8. I...