Haunted Places in Texas


Abilene – The Anson Light – It is just one light (bluish in color) and if you try to drive towards it goes away. Turn the car around so that it is facing the cemetery. Then flash your headlight 3 times because when she was watching for her children to come home at night, she would flash her lantern, and they would flash back to let her know they were coming.

Abilene – Expo Center – Strange footsteps, voices and noises have been heard late at night in the cow barn.

Abilene – Fort Phantom Lake – It is known that a lady walking across the lake late at night wearing a wedding dress then a fish jumps out of the water 3 times as she walks by then she disappears.

Abilene – The Travel Lodge Motel – Three connected rooms in this motel are haunted. In one of the rooms the light in the bathroom will flicker on and off throughout the night (the switch is sideways, making a loud clicking noise). In another room a specter plays with the visitors belongings. It likes to use their credit cards, money, and driver’s license to play a game of poker under the bed. In the last room during the hours of 12 and 2:30 a foul smell is present in the room, which is said to be the same spirit that likes to play with the lights and belongings. There was also a case where a mysterious man wearing all green and a cap that concealed all of his face except for his red beard. He was working in the office in the early morning hours; the next day it was discovered that no men were employed at this motel, yet he had a set of keys and checked in customers. There were no other employees at the establishment at the time.

Albany – rail road tracks – back many years ago there was a wreck on a rail road track and it killed children…….now late at night if you kill your vehicle and park on the track and put baby powder on the bumper of your car you will see hand prints from the children trying to push you across the tracks.

Alice – Alice High School Library- It is said that there is a ghost in the library. The ghost is supposed to be of a man who died when the library was being built. The ghost has thrown books of their shelves.

Alice – Alice High School little theater – is said to be haunted by a man who died while building the theater. Theater students claim to hear strange noises, some sights of the ghost mainly in the catwalk,
and up stairs costume room. And an incident happened where red and yellow feathers fell from nowhere during rehearsals.

Alice – Old Hospital Alice P and S – Reports of a call bell going off on the second fool when no one is in the room, even after it had been unplugged.

Alice – Memorial Middle School – There are four different wings of the school. If you go into the wing closest to the cafeteria and into the girls bathroom you can hear someone bouncing a basketball. It is said to be the ghost of a student who died at the school.

Alice – The Reservoir aka – Alice Lake – When you go out there after the gates are locked kids have said that when you get on the pier that you can see ores and feel cold spots. People have also said that when
they’re fishing that they hear a little girl screaming for her mom when she fell into the water for help.

Alice – The Old RialtoTheater on Main Street – This movie theater closed in the 1980’s. Former employees and an occasional patron claimed to have seen shadowy figures in the upper darkened hallways and to have experienced feelings of dread. Feelings of being watched from the upper levels were a common experience.

Alice – Sutherlands – Formerly posted as Wal-Mart – There is said to be a ghost who roams the aisles of Wal-mart who plays practical jokes on the associates. There is also a spirit who has caused major problems in the store by making accidents happen and causing damage to the merchandise and equipment at the store. The associates have nicknamed the practical joker “Matilde” or Matilda” because the sex is not known. On the other hand, the problem causing spirit has never been named because the associates prefer no contact with that spirit. The Wal-Mart is built on an old homestead site of the original Collins Family who founded Alice. The Old Collins Cemetery is adjacent to the Wal-Mart.- July 2005 Update: The Wal-Mart has been bought and is now a Sutherlands.

Alice – William Adams Junior High or Middle School – A young teenaged girl is said to roam the place looking for her love which is said to have killed her.

Alexander – McDow’s Hole – It is said that there is a headless woman that walks the creek bed with her head in one arm looking for her baby. The story goes that she, her husband, and their baby lived in a small house in the late 1800’s. Her husband left her and the baby there while he was out farming. Indians came in killed the wife and threw the baby into the creek. Cars stall, banging on the out side of cars and reports of a ball of light chasing passersby.

Allen – Eagle Stadium – It is said that Eagle Stadium is haunted by an ex-football player that died 65 years ago. There has been sightings of a shadow running down the field at midnight, but the ghost has only been seen on Friday nights after a game.

Alton – Alton bus crash – In September 1989 an school bus fell over the ledge of a caliche pit full of water. 21 children drowned that day while struggling to get out of the bus. Now it is fenced in. People have claimed to hear the screams of the children. Though most of the locals figure it is the teens that hang around there. Some people even claim to have seen figures sitting on the ledge of the pit. Park and get off to see everything up close. There is a definite sense of sorrow and gloom surrounding the area.

Alvin – Harby Jr. High – This place is teeming with weird things. During the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, some bodies were buried where the school was built. Teachers have reported seeing the faces of people in windows. Also showers in the locker rooms will turn on without anyone in the locker room.

Amarillo – Gebo’s – Formerly Bonanza Supermarket – back in the 1980’s , before Gebo’s ever opened a second store, a supermarket called Bonanza was there. people say that an employee there was killed in the meat department one night. Present day, stories of the ghost haunt Gebo’s.. Moving items and misplacing them at night… since then, the employees try to avoid night inventory. In the morning, things would be out of place… Lots of employees have seen what the ghost has done.

Amarillo – Tradewinds Airport – Rumor has it that back when the place was a private air strip, a woman caught her husband with his mistress in their private plane and killed both of them then committed suicide. This would explain the distinct smell of perfume, which comes and goes (even in the strongest breeze) Also strange lights( like a plane gearing up) can be seen coming from an abandoned hanger. From this same area the sounds of arguing have been heard but there is no one there.

Andice – Blue Light Cemetery – Babies cries are heard accompanied with the feeling of being watch and a blue light, has also been spotted.

Andrews – Andrews Middle School – they say that when you go to the school when its dark you can park your car in an angle with your headlights on in front of the school and you can see a shadow that spells out ” Thirteen ” because the legend goes that a young boy use to always tag drawings and that he died on his birthday the 13th and that was the same day he died.

Andrews – Shafter Lake – Just north of Andrews, Texas, west of Highway 385, is the original location of the county seat of Andrews County, Shafter. It was named after a Union Army Soldier of the same last name. The town was almost completely wiped out by a smallpox epidemic around the turn of the last century, possibly sometime before 1910. Up until about ten years ago, the cemetery where the victims were buried was located on the near edge of the small lake (which comes and goes as it pleases), but the bodies were moved and reentered elsewhere. Legend was that a “lady in white” haunted the graveyard, possibly the reason for its removal. Sometime during the fall of the year, you may also see a troop of Confederate soldiers and their horses galloping across the lake, usually during a full moon. Most think it is General Shafter and his men, who did patrol that area before it was settled, trying to escape Comanche Indians pursing them. By the way, the lake wasn’t (and isn’t) always there. It just appeared sometime in the forties, according to my mother, who lived in the area from 1948 on. The water is very salty, not good for anything, and there is no explanation for its being there at all.

Anson – Haunted Bridge on the outskirts of town – An old metal bridge in the outskirts is supposedly haunted by some hanging victim. It is extremely loud if you drive on it and if walked upon footstep can be heard underneath and wind blowing on one side yet be calm on the other.

Anson – Anson Lights – The story was covered by the television series Unsolved Mysteries about a year ago. Many residents from Anson and the near town of Abilene have gone to witness these phenomenal lights. The cemetery is located going towards the country. The lights are viewed by driving down the dirt farm road equivalent of about a half mile or more. As you drive closer to the cemetery towards the lights they disappear. As for the actual story for this occurrence, is unsolved. Local myth says that this light is the ghost of a mother carrying a lantern looking for her missing child. The child had left the house on cold winter day and was lost and froze to death. The mother’s spirit still searches for her child.

Aquilla – Lavanot – there this really old cemetery that’s back in the woods, its a historic marker but you have to go through a field to get to it. but once you get back there there’s an opening in the trees were you can see into the field around you. well if you flash your lights toward that opening then you’ll see this 18 wheeler-diesel (w/o a trailer) coming right at you. If you don’t leave right then it will come to you.

Aquilla – trains on the invisible railroads – There used to be a railroad track here. A long time ago the city burnt down twice because of the trains throwing sparks, so they decided to just take up all the rails. Well every now and then around 12:00 midnight you can here the train. Residents say it’s so loud that it will wake you up from a dead sleep! You can see the light on the front and hear it blow its whistles! But it never stops it just goes right through town.

Arlington – Arkansas Road-House – big house on a hill where a boy murdered his family in the 90’s. It’s said that if you go into the house mysterious people run out, weird noises our heard like footsteps, doors slamming, windows breaking. – November 2003 Update: The house was built in the 40’s. The whole area around it was a ranch, and that’s where the family lived. The murders happened in the 60’s or early 70’s. There are two stories; the first being the family had a retarded son they kept in the cellar, but not abusively. He lived down there, had everything he need, bathroom, bed, television. There is a large walk in freezer down there too. Apparently he murdered his parents and kept the bodies in the freezer, and eventually died himself. The second story is that The kid that lived there wasn’t retarded, and after his parents died of natural causes lived there. It’s said he was a pedophile and a child murderer and would kill children and hide their bodies in the freezer. Right now it’s zoned for commercial use, so companies keep buying the property with plans to level it and put a building there. About two or three weeks later, they’ll sell it. Reports of a family who bought it and started to renovate it. New shingles, new windows, all the graphite on the outside is gone, but 3 weeks later, all work on the house stopped. Right now there is a fence around the property, and the road has been lowered, but you can still see it. – March 2007 Update: Burned down Summer 2006

Arlington – Arlington High School Auditorium – A boy committed suicide in the drama room and if you are alone there in the room you can hear a boys voice even though nobody is there it is in the backstage area of the stage you can hear him talk as if he is reciting something and than just stop a lot how James died he was reciting a monologue and shot himself. Also if you do not leave him a seat on opening night to each place in the auditorium it has been known for plays to go bad very quickly so the theatre crews always leave him a front row seat empty

Arlington – Bowie High School – It’s rumored that a man was either killed during the building of the school or was a custodian there, and we have nicknamed him “Leonard.” He lives in the catwalk in the auditorium, and has reportedly thrown small rocks onto the stage. Noises have been heard like machines going off in the shop room, and bells chiming in the catwalk. One student was spit on during a rehearsal for “Grease” in 2000. The left side of her face was wet, and no one was standing on that side of her.

Arlington – Cinemark Tinsel town 9 – Supposedly, during the construction of the theater, a construction worker died while making the sixth theater. Customers say they have seen a chair move or actually see a guy sitting next to them when there wasn’t before and get up, start to walk away, and disappear. Many employees have reported objects being moved when their back was turned and weird or banging sounds & the door shutting in the projection when there was nobody around.

Arlington – Martin High School – 2 years after the school was built a boy who was in the theater department was dismissed from his duties on the play. He loved the theater program there so much that he hanged himself from the catwalk. Another stories says he went naked to prom and was taken of the theater crew so he hung himself in the auditorium catwalk. If on the catwalk alone you here strange voices and footsteps along with winds that come from nowhere.

Arlington – Parklane Apartments – Noises in bedrooms, hearing babies cry, faucets turn on and off.

Arlington – River Legacy Park – walking on a narrow path away from hell’s gate you will see what was once a clearing. Reports of moaning and a red hair haired general clad in a Confederate uniform.

Arlington – River Legacy Park – Hells Gate – It is a long trail with swamps on either side and shaded over by large trees. At the end of the trail is a large mound of dirt and two fence posts that were once a gate. As it is said this was the trail walked by captured spies of the union army on there way to be hung. This gate was the last thing they saw before being led to the tree that stands beyond the gate where they died. Walking the trail one can still hear the sobs and whispered prayers of the men and some women who walked there last steps here.

Arlington – River Legacy Park – Screaming Bridge – One night after a high school football game a carload of kids were driving fast on a country road just outside of the park. Coming to a narrow bridge over the Trinity River they met their fate when they did not see another car coming hitting it head on. Both cars erupted into flames and plummeted into the river below. All involved were killed and since then the road has been closed and can only be walked to through the park. Legend has it that if you find the bridge you will see the dates of the occurrence and the names of the deceased glowing as tombstones in the water and if after that you still dare you can sit in the middle of the bridge on the night that it happened and at midnight you will witness a heavy fog coming up from the river as you see headlights approaching from either side of the bridge.

Arlington – River Legacy Park – The Hobo – Near the park are some railroad tracks that run through an area called Mosier Valley so the park is a good getting off place for the train hoppers since the train has to slow down here. One night an old hobo was staying in the park and was awoken by the sounds of screams. Wondering to the edge of the woods from where he had been sleeping he saw a car parked and what appeared to be a man and a woman fighting. Walking closer he saw the man hitting the woman and the woman knocked unconscious. Opening the door he grabbed the man but in the struggle that ensued was shot. The next day the woman was found wondering through the park delirious and half naked but the hobo laid dead next to where the car had been. However, lovers parked late at night still catch a glimpse of the old hobo. Legend has it that late at night if you are still in the park after closing you will hear a tap on your window and there will be an old man standing there in rags.

Arlington – Six Flags Over Texas – In the Texas section next to the entrance of the “Texas Giant” is a yellow candy store. It is the oldest building in the park. It was said that in the early 1900’s a young girl (8 or so) drowned in Johnson’s Creek. She supposedly can be seen walking the railroad tracks or in her room in the yellow house turning the light on and off or opening the curtain and then closing it. Security guards at night also have problems locking the upstairs door because “ANNIE” feels playful.
Arlington – University of Texas at Arlington – Sigma Chi Fraternity House – Before building Greek Row, there was an orphanage on this property. It burned and most of the children died. One girl named Mary still haunts the place and likes to play tricks on girls that come over.

Athens – Monkey Bridge – It is said that in the early part of when Athens was being built a circus came into town by train to entertain the citizens of Athens. When the train was just about to arrive to the town it wrecked underneath a bridge in Athens. All the animals died, but the interesting thing was that body of the monkeys were never found. If you go there late in the night and put white powder on top of your car and sit and wait, you will see paw prints on the top of your car.

Austin – Austin Pizza Garden – stories of faces appearing and disappearing in the walls.

Austin – Central Market – Formerly the site of Austin State School – There are several buildings that have had sightings and sounds by staff members. This old place was built over a cemetery. The cemetery is that of the patients that expired in the early part of this century. But recently to show proof that this never took place a coffin popped out of the ground right next to one of the condemned buildings. – April 2005 update: the school has been torn down. If there was any evidence of the bodies, they have been removed.

Austin – Bedicheck Middle School – Billy, a student, was playing the Phantom in the Phantom of the Opera. He was on the new catwalk in the auditorium and the rope slipped, he fell, and hung himself. Billy is said to push students off the catwalk, and also to help them remember their lines.

Austin – Crockett High School – The story is said that there is a little girl roaming the basement of the school cause it is said that she in search of her family. At night by the big gym when teachers work late that you can hear a little girl crying walking up and down the hall.

Austin – Driskill Hotel – people claim that they hear people playing upstairs. They also claim that they feel something touching their face and arms. Some people even say that they see figures in their windows and sitting in chairs. On the 3rd floor of the Driskill Hotel in one of the hallways there is a painting of a little girl holding flowers, witnesses report when they all looked at the picture a weird sensation came over them. It was like something was lifting up the heels of their feet. It was like a tingling sensation. Causing their equilibrium to be off for the next few hours.

Austin – Garrison Park – this park is located on Manacaha rd next to Crockett high school . It is said that if you drive down the road that takes you around the park you can see kids playing on the basketball court and see people putting flowers on the graveyard that are in the back of the park before the football field. There are 3 graveyards in the back there are of the historic people.

Austin – Harris Park – The family began to see objects moving above them at night, heard loud thumps in their attic, and every time the husband would come near his wife he’d feel an odd force pushing him away. They went around looking for old historical facts and information about their house. They found out that’s in 1985 a little girl named Doan was abused by her uncle and was raped by her cousin. She was later murdered by her uncle for telling her mother about it so now the family believes that she hovers around protecting any girl that is touched by a male.

Austin – Home Depot at Brodie Lane and US 290 – This store is said to be haunted by a Ghost referred to by employees as “Fred”. There is a supposed turn of the century grave yard nearby. People have reported seeing human figures in the outdoor garden section of the store. A visitor to the site thinks this may be her father. She states, “My father was a “craftsman” carpenter as some people call it and he built a lot of things around Austin and loved nothing better than to make things in his shop which was our garage. People would see the garage door open and stop to talk to him and he would help anyone who needed anything made. He was 74 when he died in his shop doing what he loved. He left me and my Mom in debt and a rundown house so we could only afford a cremation. I am a big believer that people should be buried where their happy doing what they loved. So me and my friend took my dad to home depot on brodie, mainly the garden section because their were people around. I let my father’s ashes go their because he had a love for making things and helping people. His name is Herbert, nick name herb. I am a little freaked out about this because I wanted to do right by him by placing him where he loved to shop and run up his home depot credit card! He is bald and short and Blue eyes, has always walked very fast so if someone sees him tell them not to be afraid just ask him for help and he will find it.”

Austin – Jacob’s Hill – There is a bridge on a road beyond I-35 to the East, off of Wells Branch Parkway. If you put your car in neutral and turn everything off, your car will roll across the bridge. Supposedly the ghosts of two children who were killed by their father around the area push your car, away from their dangerous dad. – January 2007 Update: old bridge is long gone and has had a new one put up. And all the woods that used to surround the place are now houses.

Austin – Landon Lane – The family began to see objects moving above them at night, and heard loud thumps in their attic. Facts and information on their house can not be found.

Austin – Logan’s on 6th street – Ghost that died when the building was a coffee plantation refinery and now glasses swing by themselves, doors swing open and a loud cackling can be heard on the second floor in the middle of the night.

Austin – Metz Elementary – An elementary school east of IH-35 is haunted by the students. Construction workers on site heard the kids laughing from the walls. Mysterious events would happen to the crew who were working. Some had minor injuries.

Austin – Omni Hotel – downtown- a man committed suicide by jumping from balcony And fell to his death. His name was Jack and since he never paid his room his name still stays in the computer log in stays. Night maids have said to hear him in his room still moving around when the rooms not occupied and guest report noises at night.

Austin – Richard Moya Park – There is an old bridge by the park that people say is haunted by ghosts. The bridge is closed because it is very old, but people still risk it for the chance of seeing these ghosts.

Austin – Spaghetti Warehouse – It is said that the second floor of this building is haunted. This was where the employees break room was. As some employees would walk up the stairs to the break room, they would hear strange noises coming from above them. Some of them were so terrified; they refused to go up there. – February 2004 update: A former worker at the spaghetti warehouse in Austin, reports there have been numerous occasions when the lights begin to flicker on and off throughout the restaurant. The basement though is where a lot of the employees don’t like to go because of the fact it has a strong presence of someone watching you that sends chills down your spine.

Austin – St. Edward’s University – Doyle Hall – All female dorm – Haunted by a nun ghost. She’s nice though. Some times the showers will turn on by themselves and you’ll hear someone taking a shower but when you step out, the rest of the showers are dry as if no one was there at all.

Austin – St. Edward’s University – Mary Moody Northern Theatre – of a shadow of a young man who committed suicide. he hung himself by the sandbag ropes and if you listen closely, not only can you see the shadow of the body swinging across the stage (even when the ropes are missing) but you can hear the creaking of the rope.

Austin – St. Edward’s University – Premont hall – All male dorm – The spirit of a former RA still haunts the dorm. During spring break, he came back early and slipped and fell in the showers and died instantly. he was left there for a week. he slams doors and windows and turns on all the showers at once.

Austin – Tavern Restaurant, on North Lamar Blvd. – Has a female ghost, nicknamed “Emily”. She has been seen through the upstairs window at night after closing, has broken dishes and glasses and loves to change the channels on the television.

Austin – Littlefield Home – The daughter of Littlefield for whom this dorm was built is said to haunt the halls of her former college home. She plays practical jokes on the current residents such as turning lights and stereos on and off.

Austin – Treasury Department – Employees report seeing chairs move without explanation. They also say that they can hear their names called but when asking fellow employees, they find out no one called them. Weird stuff has also happened in the library.