In the summer of 1965, I went down the San Pedro Creek by the S. Flores bridge area looking for anything washed up after a heavy rainfall the night before. I usually went with my brothers but they were not around. Our bird dog Spotty followed me, about thirty minutes looking around, I heard Spotty barking and whimper. I walked up to him and stopped when I noticed a figure laying in the grass and weeds.
I tried to get closer but felt a presence of mind to stay back. I noticed it was about four and a half feet long, long with a large round head. It’s skin was purplish and grayish. Spotty was frozen in fear and I felt that it was telling me to stay back. it’s eyes were closed and I noticed the ears were holes sunk into the head. I couldn’t see the arms cause of the weeds. I backed away and called Spotty to follow me. I was mesmerized and didn’t say anything to my brothers or anyone else. Like I had blanked it from my mind.
Not until a few years ago while reading a similar story did I recollected of that day. I Googled the year, 1965 for any UFOs in San Antonio and sure enough, some were spotted in that time frame. Some may believe me and others will laugh but it actually happened.
My grandmother was a Coahultican Mexican Native and healer and my grandparents immigrated to Texas in 1906. She had spiritual gifts that were passed on to me and my brothers and children. I have seen and heard many things that people will never comprehend. the wolf and Blackhawk carry me messages but haven’t had any since my mom’s passing away. Soon we will understand the ways of the world and God. Thank you for reading. Sent in by Rey
360 You can see the creek below the bridge
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