1 thought on ““There Is A Little Witch In All Of Us” – (Pharr, TX)

  1. I myself has seen lechuza¡!! I have!! It is real!! What it is I don’t know…. My friend and I were in the house when we heard our Kittie screaming and crying and banging on the outside of the house!!! We ran out and the cat seemed fine!!! It was a big front yard with a light pole in the middle….. And on top of it was this huge huge huge owl like creature!!!! My friend and I didn’t no what to do!!! We were on the porch talking and the creature swung it’s head around like an owl, sort of…. But huge, and we freaked , and b4 u no it we heard the flapping of it’s wings!!!!! And it landed on the roof above us!!!! Oh Lord, we ran!!! And since then it’s been sited again there!! And I moved and I’ve heard it’s screeching here!!! They r here, where they live, what they eat, I don’t know!!! But I know they r real!!!!!

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