“This is seriously one of the eeriest pictures I’ve ever seen. A friend and I were up in Coleman County last year, driving some of the backroads and we came across this house off the shoulder of the road. Wasn’t anything special about it, except that it was just a cool looking old building to him. Honestly, I wasn’t all that impressed by it.
He thumbed snapped about 3 rapid shots of the place and we left. After I dropped him off, he sent me these pics and asked if I noticed anything a little odd. I don’t know what it was, but there’s definitely something in that doorway that just seems to have formed out of nothingness in the time it took to thumb snap three quick pics. What do y’all think?” -Ray Theiss

Thank you for allowing us to share your story, Ray. If you look at the figure, it appears to almost be as tall as the 7 ft door frame. Could this just be a squatter or perhaps something supernatural? Leave us a comment below.