14 thoughts on “Terrorizing Big Bird – Harlingen, Texas

  1. Back in the mid 90s in Justin, Tx I was coming back into the hay field, off of 407 next to Denton Creek where I was bailing hay. In the back field I saw a Gigantic black bird sitting on top of a 4′ round bale. It then hopped down and was 10-14″ taller than the bale. As I got closer it spread its wings and the entire round bale disappeared completely, the sound it made flapping its wings to take flight was extremely loud even in the cab of the truck at 100 yards away. I have never before, or since, seen anything like that!

  2. Back in the 70’s between 1976-79 we would go to my grandmother’s house to visit in Harlingen, TX. She lived near by a canal. And my aunts and ucles would talk about the Big Bird. Then one day bright as day light . My parents and I were driving to my grandmother’s house . And from the distance maybe about 50 yards we witnessed a huge bird diving down into the canal. Being 8 or 9 years old I will never forget that sight . It had about 12 to 14 ft wingspan. I wasn’t never afraid . Just more like couldn’t believe what I just saw. Matter of fact I’ve seen that Thunderbird twice diving in and out from the canal.

  3. Back in the 70’s between 1976-79 we would go to my grandmother’s house to visit in Harlingen, TX. She lived near by a canal. And my aunts and ucles would talk about the Big Bird. Then one day bright as day light . My parents and I were driving to my grandmother’s house . And from the distance maybe about 50 yards we witnessed a huge bird diving down into the canal. Being 8 or 9 years old I will never forget that sight . It had about 12 to 14 ft wingspan. I wasn’t never afraid . Just more like couldn’t believe what I just saw. Matter of fact I’ve seen that Thunderbird twice diving in and out from the canal.

  4. my mother was out in the yard in Raymondville one day at this time and thought there was a small plane, maybe a glider flying over town. then it flapped its wings… she never said anything to anybody but me. that evening at the VFW bingo she was sitting with the chief of police’s wife and friends. he came in shook up. he had seen something flying overhead like he had never seen before. my mother then told them what she had seen earlier. the chief was relieved. he knew she didn’t drink either. it wasn’t his imagination running wild.

  5. I lived over in Kerville in front of the Guadalupe River. This one day, when I was around 10, I walked down to the river and saw a wierd bird. It almost looked like a pelican, but was HUGE! It was on a thick branch, sitting, about 4ft. It’s hangy thing was red and had these dark black eyes. It had feathers that were black. All I know is I ran and never spoke of it again until I saw this show Unexplained.

  6. I am not from the valley, and had never heard of this until about 2 years ago.

    However, in 2012 while at a deer camp on 1017 out of Ana Manuel, I got out to open a gate at about 10 pm with a bright moon. After closing the gate, something with about a 10-15’ wingspan and a red light glided over head. Once I got to the camp I told the guys, and although I thought the silhouette very closely resembled wings of an animal, and no noise was heard, we dismissed it as most likely some sort of border patrol or drug related aircraft.
    Then in 2016, one of the hunters from the camp that night instructed me to google big bird.
    I don’t have any real description of it other than the silhouette I saw in the moonlight, but it was silent, and I estimate it was about 20-30’ overhead with a 10-15’ wingspan that didn’t resemble any glider I have ever seen.

  7. This happened a couple of years ago, some friends and i where at my house playing when one of them decided it was time for him to go home. It was late at night and it was dark since the street had no lights, as we walk to the street infront of my house and look towards my friends house we see this big large flying creature stop in one of my friends big trees that he had in his front yard. My friend said he wasn’t scared and started walking towards his house. As soon as he goes into his front yard, he came out running and crying straight to his sister house who lived a couple of house to the other side of my house. About 5 minutes later my friend comes back but this time with his sister, when we ask what had happened, he told us that while he was passing the gate from his house he heard some noises on top off the tree and when he looked up, he saw a big shadow ” kind of looked like a bird” with big red eyes just starring down at him. Thats was the only time we saw it.

  8. The day I left the valley I was in the backyard of my childhood home in McAllen taking one last look at my garden when I noticed all the neighborhood dogs started barking at once. I happen to look up and see a humanoid creature that had wings like a bat but the body and head of a human. This creature had legs I could see hanging down and what looked like hairless grey skin. It was just hovering over my house flapping it’s wings once every few seconds. I was petrified to the point where I could do nothing but stand and stare till it flew off going south.

  9. My mother told me that when she was a child she was playing with my uncles and aunt by a canal that was two houses down from her grandmother’s house a large bird landed close by. She told me this story a couple of years ago and I find it quite chilling that I’m reading this article. She said she could see this creature’s facial features but it looked more like a pterodactyl. To be honest I found it hard to believe because children’s imagination can run wild, but my family and I have had a lot of experience with the paranormal, so part of me did believe her. This article cements my belief in her story.

      1. Like I was saying this happens here in harlingen tx I was in my early teens when I had gone to my friends house next to Vernon middle school I got off they where all scared under there porch as I walked tords them they said hurry a big bird is flying an wanted to take my friend I was like stop playing so I went out there as looked up I saw the moon on top of me an then there it was a huge bite bird looking thing bout 4 feet tall wings like bat an red eyes so bright I was scared I ran an it came down at me I through my self to the floor an I heard the wings flap an wind down my back I got up an got under the porch we looked up again an it was just flying up in the sky in a cycle tell twenty or so minutes passed an just like that it was gone so when I hear this stories I believe Wat I saw

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