5 thoughts on “Haunted by Shadow People and Demons on Carson Street (Edinburg, TX)

  1. What the hell…I too live on Carson St. in Edinburg, and my girlfriend has also complained of seeing shadows and whispers in her ear, and her leg being pulled. We live in 3009. Where was your complex?

  2. another bad experience when I was in bed at about 6 pm..i felt a dark hairy precence like a heavy built body of what looked like a wolf in a human form..it was trying to put a pillow over my face so I could not breath and I trying to turn to look at it but only saw a hairy arm only,, I trying to scream my boyfriends name but he couldn’t hear me..i couldn’t move so I started praying an our father and that awful spirit let me go.. these experiences are called shadow people..

  3. I feel for you..your experiences are like mine..one time I was sleeping face up and felt precence of someone on top of me..but I couldn’t move..it felt like if I was asleep but at the same time I was awake..fighting what ever was close to me..then saw a skeleton or skull body very close to me ready to puncha machete on my chest so I jumped out od bed and my aunt told me that she was trying to wake me up but I wouldn’t respond..looked like that awful spirit wanted to enter my body ..but I coulf feel that I was praying the our father but could barely move…horrible experience..but if we have jesus Christ in our hearts ,, nothing will harm us..

    1. Something very similar happened to me. It’s been years, but I remember this occurring twice to me. The dream was different, but I could feel myself praying the our father. Thankfully it’s been years since I have had any kind of activity happen around me.

  4. I have learn that how there is good there is bad God created human kind to give Dominion and Authority over demons over animals and everything that creeps around this earth so with his Name and The Blood OF JESUS Christ you the Power cast out spirits and demonic things I do require that you don’t allow open doors in your life that may be any kind of sin, like drug abuse,which craft,ect to allow evil spirits to follow u every where until you shut that door nothing evil can’t come near you

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