9 thoughts on “Pulled Into A Different Dimension (Rio Grande Valley)

  1. I believe you. Me and my family had something similar happen in Brownsville TX coming out of Homedepot on the way to bocachica beach

    1. Charlie I still question myself how can this be possible even though my experience took place a little over 2 years ago I still keep questioning myself how can it be possible nowadays I drive with someone I’m too scared to drive alone

  2. You should ask that neighbor if she recalls a time before your house had been built and it was a vacant lot if a man knocked on her door asking questions about a house. If you went back in time and this even happened, she should defiantly remember someone asking where the house next door went. I wouldn’t forget something like that. Update us if you ask her.

    1. You are not the only one.
      I was driving down by the missions here in aouth side of San Antonio as I passed an area going south, the scenery seemed strange .When I returned the same way,it was a different scenery. Months later a woman pisted in the newspaper that she had travelled the same road and had the same experience. Some sort of time warp

      1. Rey Reyea thanks. At least people like you guys believe this . Cause the majority thinks it’s a hoax . And I don’t blame them Cause it’s hard to explain this.

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