For decades, there have been rumors about Mission Junior being haunted by the restless spirit of a deceased teacher.
“Mission Junior High School – Science Building East Stairwell- formerly Mission High School At night, you can just make out the shadow of a man walking up and down the stairs ( supposedly a teacher who fell down the stairs when he was leaving one night after school.)
During the daytime, that side of the building is colder than the other and lights and other electronics do have trouble.”
How many of you attended Mission Jr High? Did you ever see anything? Leave us a comment below.
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I’m at baldazo with my friend
rest in peace
Rip .
I’m a 7th Grader at the school. And nothing has happened except every time I go to the science building in the restroom its always scary. Other then that nothing has happened.
I use to work their before they brought the science building and I worked as a custodian. Me and another custodian saw her on the stairs and at the gym the same year.
Going by the terrible grammar shown here, Mission JH has been in dire need of a better English department for quite a number of years…
i’m a 8th grader and my reading teacher said that one of the 7th reading teacher saw her chair spinning around and the lamp turns off then on,then she said that her black cabinet open up by itself and all the stuff fell out.
mane aint no way this sasha from mhs aint u friends with ashley had u for like 9th grade lunch
im in ms tuttle rn
I attended this school around 87. The stories were always there. But the story told is slightly different depending on who tells it. The one my friends and I knew was that a girl, student, was making her up either up or down the 2nd set of stairs at the old science building. She either fell accidentally or was pushed but she fell down and died. Afterwards her ghost was said to be seen either standing or sitting near the top of the stairs. there were two stairs outside this building. the one you used to see from the nearby street is the one the ghost was said to appear at. After the building was torn down, people transported the ghost over to the stadium and claimed she had died there instead. the thing is this story got mixed together with the story from the Mission High School. that school supposedly has a ghost of a girl that died after she fell from the top of the stadium. So the two stories have now become one. this always happens with these type of stories, they change over time. Not only that but there is no proof that any deaths every happened at these places. The other ghost story at the junior high takes place in the gym where people have claimed to hear someone bouncing a basketball through out the entire gym. the sound of the ball bouncing seems to go through the gym and out and around the concession stand and back into the gym again.
this my school And there have been many rumors about that It will be true I do not know if I believe them…
Am currently in mission jr as a 6 grader…they havent told us anything about Ghost!
I go to mjh but if u go under the bleachers and wait a few minutes u might just hear foot steps but when u checke it out there’s no one but there is a lot of stories including G building
I go to Mission Junior High but we don’t have any stairs there nomore.
There were a lot of unconfirmed stories about this kind of stuff at Mission Jr. High. I went there from 1989-1991. In 1989 there was a very tragic bus accident that claimed the lives of 21 students (my best friend being one of them.) I think the general consensus for a time was to stop with all the b.s. stories, in the face of true tragedy. That’s all any of it ever was: b.s.
You taking about the alton school bus accident.
I attended this school as well but the story was that a student had killed herself, throwing herself down the stairs..At night from the other side of the fence, you could see what looked like a shadow of someone sitting on the steps…but it turned out to be the lighting.. There was a light post that little up the area where the first landing was and that corner made it look like some one was sitting there. Let’s just say, someone jumped the fence and debunked it well over 20 years ago…
I saw her when i was just kid.
I went to that school, we would sneak into the building. It felt heavy in there but never saw anything. Now the 2 story house across the street from the football field,That Fucker was another thing. U would hear someone walking up the stairs but no one would be there, screaming, hitting the wall, and they would push you down the stairs when u were walking
I went to that school, we would sneak into the building. It felt heavy in there but never saw anything. Now the 2 story house across the street from the football field. That Fucker was another thing. U would hear someone waking up the stairs but no one would be there, screaming, hitting the wall, and the would push I down the stairs when u were walking