5 thoughts on “Shadow Creature Lurks In Abilene, TX

  1. We live in Brownwood, Texas. My 10 year old son as been saying he is saying this in our house, and when he went to his friend’s house. He described it as looking like slenderman but all black.

  2. I live in Abilene and I try to tell people all the time that I see this but no one believes me!! I am so relieved to know that there are at least a few other people who witness this and that I’m not completely losing my mind!

  3. I JUST saw a shadow figure(s) on my way home. I was on Summit Avenue, and I watched it cross the street about 100 yards in front of me, TWICE! I stopped to check, thinking maybe someone was out, but there was NO one along the road where it would have been. I was starting to get weirded out, so I started driving again, and I saw it in my rear view mirror cross the street again. What made me the most uncomfortable is its legs didn’t move AT ALL

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