1 thought on “Wolf-Like Humanoid Spotted in Backyard

  1. 4/08/2021 Last night my wife and I attended the UFO conference in Edinburg and listened to stories of the unexplained, left early to pick my grand daughter at her uncles house. We got to talking and he brought up an incident that happened to him and his cousin while driving back to their house. At around 2 am they were driving on a road south of La Villa Texas going west towards mile 2, as they were about .5 mi to mile 2 there was a car headed their way with their bright lights. As they flashed their high beam to the on coming car a human like creature about 6.5′ was at a fast pace crossing the road then suddenly got on all four and darted into the sugar cane field like a dog. They described it as human like with a hunch back and all white had pointy ears, he said it never looked towards them. They never got a look at its face My wife and I are planning on going out there to see if we can spot any unusual tracks or sings. This area is surrounded by fields and drain ditches with large drain pipes.

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