Here’s a story that was sent in, thank you for your story Cynthia, this will keep me up at night, I wonder if this is where”black eyed kids” come from?
from Cynthia,
When I was a Freshman in high school, I was one of the few drama students that was invited to a pretty tame upper class drama party in Mission. Anyway, the girl who was going to throw the party didn’t tell us how old her house was, but when I got there…I felt uneasy. Well, her house was just oddly shaped…it seemed longer at the sides…one restroom on either side, if I remember correctly. Anyhow, this guy really had to pee…so he just shot out to the nearest bathroom. Not even two minutes later he came out running…he had seen the ghost of a young girl sitting on the toilet…crying…in period 1920s clothing.
He decided to opt to not pee and run to the living room where we were. Everyone was spooked so we left after that.
The next day she told us the story of her “haunted house” which would have been nice to know beforehand. During the Great Depression, there was a middle class family that lived there. They had a young girl who was about 4 or 5. They tried so hard to make money but they felt so horrible for not being able to give their daughter proper clothing and food…seeing as they were used to a slightly better living. So, one afternoon…they took their daughter to the bathroom, asked her to kneel down….and drowned her in the toilet water. It was tragic…but they thought this would be better than a life of hunger and dismay. Soon they would find that in a few years…had they waited…everything would be better. They left the house with everything in it…never to return. I wrote a story based on this for my book…so sad. Once a month on the day of her death…you could hear the little girl cry and when he saw her face…she had no eyes.
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