“This was 1997/1998. A friend and I were walking around at night around 11 pm and heard a noise that sounded strange. We look up and no lie, the damn thing looked like jeepers creepers and this was before the movie even came. We ran to his house which was about a 1/4 mile away woke his brother up and boom and bang on the door. We all looked at each other shit.
Got brave opened the door and nothing. Ever since then we were kinda hesitant to walk around at night over here. Not sure if you’re familiar with these small towns in the valley. We are in northern Starr county and there’s absolutely nothing out here. We don’t have street lights and hardly any neighbors. His parents got up that night and said we were crazy that it was probably an owl or a bird but we both know what we saw that night.
The wingspan of at least 7 feet and seemed to be at least 6 feet in height, scary shit. You could hear its wings, that’s the only reason we looked up in the first place. Something has got to be out there we are in a rural area with 1,000’s of wooded acres around and I’m sure we’re not the only ones to have seen this thing. I’ve also heard a similar story in McCook about a year after we saw it. Funny how this crap always seems to happen at night huh?” Joe R
This story reminds me of the giant bird sightings that ran rampant through the valley in the late 1970’s I believe. San Benito, Brownsville, and other points north. There were lots of reported sightings.