If you are planning a trip to Anson, Texas to see the lights, make sure you read the directions below on how to get to the Anson Lights+.
Anson, Texas is a small town located 20 miles north of Abilene. Take HWY 277 N to get there. It is the home of a well known yet ++++++unexplained phenomena that has simultaneously delighted, terrified, and baffled visitors for decades––the Anson Ghost Lights.
Hundreds of people have traveled from far and wide to witness these strange illuminations, and the process for conjuring the lights seems to be unanimously agreed upon.
When entering Anson, turn right at the Alsupps.
You should now be traveling East on 17th St. (HWY 180) and travel until you come upon the graveyard just outside of town.
Turn right down the dirt road that travels along the cemetery. At the crossroads, turn your car around so it is facing back towards the main road.
Turn off your engine and flash your headlights three times. Within a few minutes you will see the light appear.
Most describe it as a slow moving white light that travels down the road towards your car. Some have seen it swing wildly from side to side, and others have seen it dance among nearby treetops. It is never accompanied by any noise. Sometimes it changes colors––some say that if one disrespects the light by taunting or cursing at it, it turns red. It usually ranges in size from appearing to be a flashlight to being the headlight of a motorcycle. Some have seen it start at its regular size then grow to immense proportions as it travels down the lonely unpaved road. Usually, if one travels towards the light in an attempt to touch it, it fades away and disappears. Sometimes it appears not as one light, but as several small lights.
The lights tend to appear on warm, clear nights. They never appear in the rain and usually do not show up when it is cloudy.
The lights, stories say, are caused by the ghost of a woman who lived in Anson in the 1800’s. She is forever wandering the area, looking for her sons. They had lived together on the road where the lights now appear. The three boys were sent to chop wood one night, and were told that if they encountered any trouble they should flash their lantern three times. They did so, but by the time their mother managed to get to them to find out what the danger in question was, all three boys had been killed. When visitors flash their car lights, the woman’s spirit emerges, carrying her own lantern, hoping to find her boys.
If you have experienced something like this before, comment below.
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Was stationed at Dyess AFB, TX in the late 90’s. A friend heard about this on unsolved mysteries and we all went up there. Flashed our lights 3 times and after a little while saw a white light at a distance. Looked like it was swinging slightly. We flashed the car lights three times, several times during the night. Sometimes it would be white, sometimes would be red. Sometimes it would appear quickly, sometimes it would take a while to appear. Sometimes it would appear to swing only slightly, sometimes it would not. We even went back late with night vision goggles and would see the light show up in the goggles. Sorry to spoil this but later we put a few thing together and looked at a topographical map with roads on it. Turns out there was a road at a distance in front of the road you are supposed to stop and flash your lights toward. That road curves just in front of this road and is slightly elevated. What you are seeing is a random car head lights or tail lights. It explains why you see the lights randomly either quickly or after some time after flashing your lights. Also explains why sometimes it’s white or red. The slight elevation helps you see it from a good distance and the slight swinging or steady is probably an optical illusion.
Was out here with a friend on the night of September 20th, 2018, and did this. After flashing my lights 3 times, in about 15 seconds a light appeared to the right of the stop sign leading onto the highway. The light got brighter and brighter similar to what this story states. The light disappeared without a dimming, and my friend saw a shadowy woman figure wearing a dress to the right of a light shining on the ground from the nearest lamppost (about a quarter mile). Shortly after she disappeared, then the light appeared again. It changed brightness as usual, then disappeared again. My friend saw the woman again, but in a skirt this time as well as one arm up as if holding a lantern (explains why there was no light), as well as her hair up in a bun, and was walking toward us in the car. She had disappeared shortly again. The light didn’t come back for about a minute so we decided to drive closer to the lamppost where we saw the figure and made it halfway between the crossroad and lamp and decided to try parking there. We did the flash to “summon” her again, and found the light as usual. We couldn’t see any figure of it as we were closer, but the light faded again. I stared out to see if my eyes could “play tricks” on me and maybe I could see something, and I did see the figure she spoke about, wearing a skirt and all. Only she had seen her as running toward us and I did not. Her figure had disappeared we don’t know where, but then this next part put me in a state of shock. As I looked out to try and see her again, I saw a fingerprint on my windshield appear on the inside of my car. My windshield was clean of anything on the inside so I know it was neither of us, but I did see it appear as if someone was doing a fingerprint on paper from bottom up. From my point of view where I was, I saw the fingerprint just about exactly where the figure was standing, to the right of the light on the ground from the lamppost. Keep in mind we didn’t see a light or figure when this fingerprint occured, so she was in the car with us is what we concluded.
After that we (I) decided to leave due to the shock of seeing something appear before my own eyes from what would be nothing.
This is a cool little story in Anson. We have lived here 20 + years and people still come to town and ask about this and go see it. Our kids have all gone out there but we have not…..will have to go!
I’ve been there many times. Heard multiple stories about experiences. Last I heard was that the town (Anson) was expanding south, along the road next to the cemetery, and that the phenomena stopped.