“I did see an old 1950s white rusted Chevrolet car. It was 3 am I was coming from Trevino’s restaurant on Closner. When I passed Whataburger, I saw through the corner of my eye a car passing me. I did not want to turn to see it. He passed me and got in front of me and started to slow down so I moved to the right lane. Then he moved again and got in front of me, so again I moved to the left and he again moved and got in front and completely stopped.
I hit the car and noticed that there was no one in the car. I could see the steering wheel moving. I was in disbelief at the same time I did not want to be staring at the car. So I reversed the car and by the time I looked to the front that car was no longer there. It disappeared. I took a different route home and all the way I was thinking and asking myself, “What did I just see?”
Then I remembered that years earlier I heard a girl talking about that car. Her friends and she saw that car and it did the same thing. It would get in front and wouldn’t let them go by. Then suddenly it slowed down let then pass him and they saw the devil driving the old car. They were yelling and were so scared and again the car passed them, turned in to a field where there was a fence. It happen on 281 going towards Hargill. Till this day I thank God I didn’t see the devil in it. I rebuke it in the name of Jesus.” EM
Awesome story is it really true? I would love to pass by to see if legend is true