2 thoughts on “The Ghost Highway (Elsa, TX)

  1. I heard the same thing years back in mcallen ,north side of las palmas park at 4am in the morning on tamarack ,it started as a far away moan then it got louder and louder until it was right outside my window it was the most terrifying sound I ever heard I didn’t want to look out the window I was frozen in fear ,then it started to fade away until I couldn’t hear it anymore

    1. My mother had a similar experience when she was younger. It happened on the outskirts of
      Raymondville, she was asleep one night and woke up to the sound of something metallic being dragged across the road with a faint moan that grew louder. Mind you the area where she heard it coming from was a barn by the road about 50 yards from her window and had no street light in that area. She looked out her window and saw what she described as a woman wearing a dirty white night gown slowly coming out of the darkness towards the intersection where the street light was. She said she was so frozen with fear she covered her face and didn’t move until she fell back to sleep.

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