This story takes place in Rio Grande City, TX. Check it out.
“This was a couple of years back. I had this habit of staying up until very late hours of the night. On one particular night, I was doing the usual, listening to my earphones under the tree outside my house, it was around 3 am there was a full moon so it wasn’t very dark. All of a sudden i started to get goosebumps out of nowhere, and i began to get the sense that i was being watched so I just stood up and quickly checked behind me …nothing.
Everything was completely silent, you could not hear any sound whatsoever. Weird, but not unusual. Suddenly, I started to here wings flapping it sounded loud and as I look up I see a man flying with giant bat-like wings.
I feel my blood drop and I froze and as I get back into my senses, I take out my phone to try to get a picture, but it was too dark. I watched as it slowly flew away, I began to realize that this thing I just saw actually exists. This humanoid creature roams our town late at night watching us.” -Jessica Herrera

Here’s a video of a flying humanoid in Dallas, TX
If you have experienced something like this before, comment below.
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