A resident of Horizon on the outskirts of El Paso, TX, recounts a chilling encounter near her...
Hat Man
“ “Erie and 23rd. It was late at night when things began to appear out of the...
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about ghostly apparitions roaming the campus of UTRGV in Edinburg,...
Our next story comes to us from San Benito, TX, located in deep South Texas along the...
“I live in McAllen. Near downtown. I live on 20 1/2 st. I’ve been living in my...
Once again we received a chilling encounter coming from one of the most heavily active paranormal cities...
“I work at Dillard’s in McAllen,Texas and I’ve been working there for 15 yrs. I used to...
There seems to be an up-rise in stories coming in about shadow people. A shadow person is...