4 thoughts on “Huge Dog-Like Humanoid Walking On Hind Legs

  1. I’ve been looking for info on things like this, I live in ohio, leaving work at 11 pm. Bigger than a human, extremely long limbs large pointed ears, ran at least 30 mph across the road, thought it was a deer at first but the length of the legs and with made no sense super thin abdomen wide and deep rib cage, then the snout too. I slammed on my brakes in the middle of the road in shock, I didnt want to move.

  2. 2008 my wife, her sister and I saw the same thing but on 11street and fir. glad we are not the only once that saw the monster. we saw it coming from datepalm he got up in two and then he was like transforming it was really odd and scary I couldn’t believe it.

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