7 thoughts on “Slender-Limbed Shadow Creature Sighting (Palacios, TX)

  1. The description here, as well as in some of the comments, sounds like the tall dark things that have been watching me for as long as I can remember: tall, unnaturally thin with long arms and legs, and no visible features even though you can feel it watching you. The ones I always saw in my bedroom as a kid had long necks, tended to be hunched over so they could fit inside, and only had three fingers on each hand; they never did anything except stare at me, which terrified me for some reason. They also would tap on windows, scrape the siding of the house and knock on doors, walls and the roof sometimes like they were trying to get in. I guess you can add Vermont to Texas and Ohio as places these things have been seen.

  2. I just saw this exact damn thing to the t . Buffalo ridge in ohio a very haunted road . I have never seen anything that instantly gave me the chills and had my palms sweating .


  4. I think I saw a similar figure. Everyone was sleeping. It also acted as if it wasn’t supposed to be seen. It was creepy, gave me shivers, I quickly went into the room. It felt unreal. I can’t describe the feeling. Long arms/legs and skinny. Hunchback figure. No face. Shadow. It didn’t necessarily look menacing but something was definitely off. It was like it was going to do something elsewhere, and got caught. It froze.

    1. This thing, I recognize it. These past nights, I’ve been taking my dog out, hearing noises, going to the restroom, hearing tapping on the window, etc. Last night, from the time I have posted this, I took my dog out, and saw it. It was out in the cow pen. It ducked, or fell. There was no noise so I thought I was seeing things, I turn to look at my dog and she, she is looking where it was. Then I started having dreams, of it in the window, in the road, and such. Even worse, my brother lives with me and has started to see it. If anyone knows what this thing is, please reply, this is stressful

    2. Since I was little I have had one of those lurking, but it stuck up for me, still today people who screw me over are met with harsh instant karma. I know it is that thing. at least it likes me I guess. lol I have a picture of it under my bed from when I cut my foot open and was at home for halloween night. in the original you can see it better, this is a scan of the polaroid. was In ohio, but looks like the same thing. https://twitter.com/5H4D0WM4N/status/1321166778811195393

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