According to the witness, this incident occurred in the beginning of April in the city of San Marcos, TX.
“I drive the same route almost everyday to drop off our daughter at her babysitter’s house on my way to work. I see the same things and people in her neighborhood on a daily basis. Usually I catch sight of an old lady going for her daily walk, an older gentleman working on his lawn, and sometimes, an unusually dressed woman, that is an owner of an equally conspicuous home on an otherwise sleepy drive.
She is also the owner of a black cat and dog and one of the oddest first memories of her was during a nasty storm a few years ago. I remember seeing her standing outside in this torrential rain storm dressed like Walter Mercado with her two pets unfazed by the downpour.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I’m doing our usual drop off. I was backing out of the driveway when I saw the lady’s cat a little up the road from the driveway. The cat can be a bit of a jerk and lay in the middle of the road like he owns it so I prepared well in advance to slow down and go around him like I have done from time to time over the years.
I’m staring at the cat when he suddenly began to blur while everything else in my line of sight remained clear.
A split second later I see a tall lanky stranger with long black hair standing exactly where the cat was. He proceeded to casually cross the road towards an alley and vanish from my sight as I continued driving. I didn’t get any bad vibes from him and haven’t seen him nor the cat since this curious incident occurred. I added an update. As of late I haven’t seen the cat at all.” -SIRENATX
Could this be some kind of skinwalker, witch or shapeshifter?
If you have experienced something like this before, please comment below.
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