A resident of Horizon on the outskirts of El Paso, TX, recounts a chilling encounter near her...
“It was 1973. I was hitchhiking from New Braunfels to Corpus Christi on TX-123. it was...
This is not the first report we have received in regards to possible bigfoot encounters in the Rio...
“This was about two years ago ,but it is still bothering me about what I saw and...
“So, when I was young and lived in Olmito, Texas. A lot of stuff happened to...
This is not the first report of humanoids in East Texas. Check out Jacqueline’s story. “I was...
According to the witness, this incident occurred in the beginning of April in the city of San...
A couple of months ago we were contacted by Mike out of La Joya, TX who claims...
According to thesun.co.uk and various other news outlets, a MYSTERIOUS “half-human, half animal” creature has been caught...