This story recounts a chilling encounter in Arlington, TX, near AT&T Stadium. Known for waking in the...
Strange Creatures
Duendes are creatures from the folklore of many Latin American countries, including Mexico, and parts of the...
“Back in the years 1998 through 2011 my friends, Willy, Andres, and my cousin Hugo and I...
“This was 1997/1998. A friend and I were walking around at night around 11 pm and heard...
This was sent to us in the Summer of 2021. ” Late last night, my daughter(21), her...
“My younger brother is 7 years younger than I. We shared a bedroom but slept in separate...
I was watching television at around 2 am last night (9-1-2020). At the moment I’m living in...
“Back in late 2013, my family was working in the oilfield in Dilley, Texas. Because we had...
“Many years ago, my brother, his girlfriend, and I went out to a place he knew about...